Did NASA time its Mars announcement to coincide with ‘The Martian’?

(Thomas Dishaw) From the files of nothing is accidental in this world… NASA claims that the findings on Mars just happen to coincide with the release of the new film The Martian, how convenient. More theater if you know what I mean. As most know this is old news, water was spotted on Mars way back in 2004.  It’s great to see Hollywood and NASA come together in the name of propaganda…More from Yahoo:

NASA’s announcement confirming that it found evidence of water flowing on the surface Mars was celebrated by scientists searching for life in the universe — and by publicists at 20th Century Fox looking to promote “The Martian,” the upcoming Ridley Scott film starring Matt Damon.

No matter. The marketing team running the verified Twitter feed for “The Martian” quickly capitalized on NASA’s announcement.

“The Martian” is due in theaters Friday.

Talk about some other worldly timing … or was it? Did NASA time its Mars announcement to coincide with the film’s release?

“No, the timing was dictated by the publication of the Nature Geoscience article, which was released today,” Laurie Cantillo, a NASA spokeswoman, told Yahoo News.

It would be a bit hard to imagine the space agency sitting on major Mars news in order for it to collide with a Hollywood movie.

After all, it took “multiple spacecraft over several years to solve this mystery,” Michael Meyer, lead scientist for NASA Mars Exploration program, said at Monday’s press conference in Washington.

But in a Yahoo Movies chat with film’s cast and director earlier this month, Scott said NASA was “very helpful” in the making of “The Martian.”

“They loved the adaptation of the screenplay,” Scott said. “They thought it was fun and mostly accurate. When I showed them the film, 40 guys saw it in Washington from NASA, and one muttered, ‘Maybe this will help us with reprogramming and the refinancing [of the U.S. space program].’ I mean, he was partly joking, but that was very nice.”

Emphasis on partly.

“NASA has to keep alive in all our hearts the romance and glory of space travel to stay in tax-funded existence,” Peter Bradshaw noted in the Guardian. “And if there is an entertaining movie about a NASA mission to Mars, which at certain points is almost a feature-length ad for NASA … well, why not time your latest announcement to coincide with its release?”

  • hvaiallverden

    One thing that striked me, I think I speak for a lott of people, is the use of collors in their images.
    AND why on earth is we feed black and white images in this Hd times, beats me.
    I thing other countrys would say something to. like the Chines and the Indians and their probes can also say something, but the things we see is childish videos and not the real deal.
    Tsk, tsk.

    Because they know the truth, mars is habitable, by all means but O is a litle problem but not an bigg one.
    I have seen highrise images that risess the hair on the back of my head.
    I love maps and knows whats topography is and so on mettal collorings of nature ricks and so on.
    But Mars and the Moon is been censures ever since we gott there.

    I see images manipulated, areas of imtress “mirred” or “blured” to me they stick out as an sore thumb, blicking in neon lights.

    This is my personal intress.
    And I know the moon have an atmosphere, and stop this gray/red collorings of anything from bouth the Moon and Mars.
