The Real Reason They Want To Ban Cursive

(Thomas Dishaw)  Cursive writing was once considered an anchor in the elementary school curriculum,  as flowing strokes of letters joined together to make words resemble handwriting. Over the years, we have seen an alarming trend as schools systems abandon this writing technique, leaving the burden on the parents to continue teaching this writing style if […]

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Comprehensive Clinton Kill List

(Thomas Dishaw) The Clinton’s reign of terror lasted 8 years in America, but  the impact of his decisions will last a lifetime in this country.  Economic Policy, theimplication of NAFTA & GATT, and a public affair that shook the nation are just some of the events people associate him with. As most of you know […]

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Comprehensive List Of States With The Highest Fluoride Rates

(Thomas Dishaw)  Fluoride, a toxic staple of most municipal water supplies , was first integrated for public consumption in 1945 in Grand Rapids Michigan.   Since then 75% of the cities across the US have followed, dumping this toxic poison into the water for you and your family to consume. According to the CDC, Fluoridation of the water supply has been hailed as […]

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