Comprehensive List Of States With The Highest Fluoride Rates

(Thomas Dishaw)  Fluoride, a toxic staple of most municipal water supplies , was first integrated for public consumption in 1945 in Grand Rapids Michigan.   Since then 75% of the cities across the US have followed, dumping this toxic poison into the water for you and your family to consume.

According to the CDC, Fluoridation of the water supply has been hailed as one of ten great public health achievements of the 20th century.

That is interesting considering recent studies have found that  elevated fluoride exposure is associated with reduced IQ, literally dumbing Americans down one drink at a time. Unfortunately 70% of Americans still believe the  fluoride myth, even as shocking new studies by Harvard have concluded that fluoride’s effect on the young brain should now be a “high research” priority.

Thankfully some parts of the world have completely abandoned the thought of fluoridation .  Leading the fight is Western Europe which is 97% non fluoridated, and includes the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Norway, Portugal, Scotland, Sweden, Switzerland, and approximately 90% of both the United Kingdom and Spain according to Brisbane florist.

Since high levels of fluoride have creeped their way into the food and water chain there are a few ways to combat this toxic time bomb. The first and most important is invest in a water filter that will remove fluoride. Over the years I have progressed from an uneducated consumer who used to purchase PUR water filters at the grocery store to actually owning  a Berkey water purification system that removes the fluoride from the water.  This is one of the most important purchases you will make in your life.  Second, we need to vote with our dollars and continue to support companies that produce fluoride free products and demand they make more. And finally we need to take our cities back by demanding they remove this toxic sludge from our tap. Many areas of the country have already had great success, with an extensive list here.

Below is a comprehensive list of states with the highest fluoride rates to share with friends & family.

State Fluoridation Percentage Calculations and States Ranked by Fluoridation Percentage

State % Persons receiving fluoridated water Persons served by CWS State Rank
United States 73.9 204,283,554 276,607,387 Kentucky 1
Alabamae 80.0 3,821,766 4,779,736 Maryland 2
Alaska 62.8 404,039 643,373 Illinois 3
Arizona 56.7 3,114,799 5,493,584 Minnesota 4
Arkansas 64.7 1,724,131 2,666,306 North Dakota 5
California,f 62.1 22,812,721 36,756,666 Virginia 6
Coloradoe 70.1 3,523,554 5,029,196 South Dakota 7
Connecticut 91.0 2,370,423 2,604,427 Indiana 8
Delaware 86.2 705,344 818,110 West Virginia 9
District of Columbia 100.0 595,000 595,000 Iowa 10
Florida 78.0 13,377,651 17,156,553 Georgia 11
Georgiae 92.1 8,924,598 9,687,653 Michigan Tied for
Hawaiif 10.8 139,598 1,290,549 Tennessee Tied for
Idaho 30.5 335,127 1,099,561 Connecticut 14
Illinois 99.3 11,325,132 11,403,176 Wisconsin 15
Indiana 94.4 4,326,732 4,582,296 Ohio 16
Iowa 92.3 2,344,818 2,541,455 North Carolina 17
Kansas 65.1 1,155,071 1,775,588 South Carolina 18
Kentuckye 99.9 4,334,223 4,339,367 Delaware 19
Louisianae 40.7 1,846,149 4,533,372 Rhode Island 20
Maine 79.0 521,414 660,367 Texas 21
Maryland 99.8 5,140,618 5,151,947 Alabama 22
Massachusettse 70.7 4,626,859 6,547,629 Missouri 23
Michigan 91.6 7,322,410 7,996,744 Maine 24
Minnesota 98.8 4,117,266 4,166,424 Florida 25
Mississippie 55.2 1,639,348 2,967,297 New Mexico 26
Missouri 79.8 3,966,102 4,966,951 New York 27
Montana 29.6 233,221 788,705 Nevada 28
Nebraska 70.2 1,001,665 1,425,929 Massachusetts 29
Nevada 72.9 1,855,460 2,544,079 Nebraska 30
New Hampshire 42.9 357,262 832,631 Colorado 31
New Jersey 13.5 1,111,624 8,221,293 Kansas 32
New Mexico 77.0 1,210,777 1,571,600 Arkansas Tied for
New Yorke 74.7 14,468,141 19,378,102 Oklahoma Tied for
North Carolina 87.3 6,174,598 7,072,012 Washington 35
North Dakota 96.9 559,246 577,325 Alaska 36
Ohio 87.7 8,772,683 10,005,412 California 37
Oklahoma 64.7 2,296,459 3,547,668 Arizona 38
Oregon 22.6 833,227 3,688,540 Vermont 39
Pennsylvania 54.6 5,802,260 10,636,421 Mississippi 40
Rhode Island 85.3 853,580 1,000,413 Pennsylvania 41
South Carolina 87.1 3,434,565 3,944,594 New Hampshire 42
South Dakota 94.8 642,942 678,028 Louisiana 43
Tennessee 91.6 5,336,600 5,827,549 Wyoming 44
Texas 80.4 19,362,219 24,080,084 Utah 45
Utahe 33.2 918,473 2,763,885 Idaho 46
Vermont 56.6 256,006 452,116 Montana 47
Virginia 95.6 6,124,274 6,403,141 Oregon 48
Washington 64.6 3,490,031 5,402,328 New Jersey 49
West Virginia 92.4 1,208,015 1,307,369 Hawaii 50
Wisconsin 87.9 3,300,037 3,755,613
Wyoming 36.8 165,296 449,223

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